Product piracy

Product piracy
Product piracy and counterfeiting is a serious threat for every company. Product piracy does not just reduce your revenue, it can also seriously damage your image and reputation. The latter happens when a customer buys your goods in the belief you manufactured the product. In reality, however, it is a counterfeit and does not meet your quality standards by far. It could well be that the customer does not realize he has bought a counterfeit, but, rather believes he bought a real product manufactured by you.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to take legal action against pirated products and counterfeiters. A promising and effective strategy must be drawn up on how to combat product piracy, especially in sensitive fields, such as in the pharmaceutical industry regarding medicines.
We help you to effectively take legal action against counterfeiters. Possible measures are, e.g., an application for border seizures via customs authorities, criminal or civil court actions. On the basis of our longstanding expertise as trademark and IP attorneys, we can advise you on the best and most promising course of action.