Image Trademark Search Function

The WIPO Global Brand Database offers a new search feature. The new function makes it possible to upload an image and search for visual similarities to other images. Global Brand Database The Global Brand Database contains about 11820000 documents with information about internationally protected trademarks, appellations of origin and armorial bearings, flags and other state emblems as well as the names, abbreviations and emblems of intergovernmental organizations. The Global Brand Database also permits without charge, synchronized, brand-related searches across multiple jurisdictions. Different search features make it easier to find the results you are looking for. Image Search Function Since May 2014 the Global Brand Database offers a new search function. Next to the possibilities to filter by source, status, origin, application date, expiration date, you can now filter by images. The image search function makes it possible to rank images by their visual similarity to an image you provide. The picture below shows the three steps you have to follow to use the new image search function. Search Funktion If you want to try this new function, follow the link: