State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

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On 15 March 2018, the General Court of the European Union (GC) annulled the prior decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal of the EUIPO (Case R 165/2016-4), deeming that there indeed was a likelihood of confusion between the figurative marks “Winged bull“ and “Griffin“. The parties involved were the internationally known hospitality company Marriott Worldwide Corp. , which held the rights for the figurative mark representing a griffin and Johann Graf, a famous Austrian billionaire and owner of the international gambling company Novomatic, who had obtained a EUTM registration for the use of the figurative mark of a winged bull. The interesting part in this case is the difficulty in objectively assessing whether the trademarks were visually and conceptually similar, since the organs of the EUIPO deemed the signs very different from each other while paying attention to details, whereas the GC sifted the focus on the overall meaning of the signs in the sense that they were both representing imaginary beings.



                                            Marriott                                                                                            Johann Graf

                           EU Trademark No. 8458259                                                       EU Trademark No. 010511723                                     

                                     (Figurative mark)                                                                             (Figurative mark)                    



Blog post by Ioanna Zacharopoulou, Trainee at LexDellmeier IP Law Firm

In light of the new General Data Protection Regulation (95/46/EU), which will be enforceable from 25 May 2018, the Council of Bars and Law Societies in Europe (CCBE) and the Munich Bar Association both published rough guidelines regarding the steps every law office should take in order to comply with the new rules set by the EU. Aim of the Regulation is to further unify and simplify the legal status quo in the EU, this time by setting the lawyer-client relationship in the center of attention.



                                                                                                Source: Pixabay

Protecting and ensuring the confidentiality between the lawyer and the client is the key in finding eligible solutions - both on technical and legal level – on the matter of data protection. What is critical is finding a balance between professional secrecy and governmental surveillance especially when the latter of which could lead to unwanted third-party interference. The bearers of such responsibility are first and foremost the law firms, who have to take measures to safeguard their professionalism, whilst providing a safer communication environment.

On 4 May, all fans of the commercially most successful movie series are celebrating the international Star Wars Day. In the fan community, this tradition has been established over 10 years ago. The 4th of May was not chosen randomly, but, because of the very similar pronunciation to the Star Wars most popular Jedi saying: “May the force be with you”.

Source: EU 3D shape trademark No. 005896601

On 28 March 2018, the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology for the European Commission (DG CONNECT) published a Notice to Stakeholders stating that after the UK leaves the European Union on 30 March 2019, all domain name owners based in the UK will no longer be entitled to “.eu” top-level domains.   

Source: Shutterstock

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Organization (EUIPO) have recently published their statistics regarding information on applications and cases filed during the year 2017. What is impressive is the amount of registrations at both Organizations, which in 2017 reached an unprecedented number.


                                                                                            Source: Shutterstock 


This year’s World Intellectual Property Day is dedicated to female innovators, honouring a significant number of women that are pushing the boundaries in the fields of science, technology, and design and promoting their innovating ideas, courage and curiosity, which help shape the world into a better place.




Am Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018, findet in München das Seminar "Marken-Recht und Marken-Wert" statt.



Box-Kitchen (Nähe Hauptbahnhof)

Seminarraum 3. Stock

Rundfunkplatz 4

80335 München


On 20 February 2018, the General Court of the European Union (GC) upheld the previous decision of Board of Apeal of EUIPO (BoA) when it found the trademark “BEPOST” and the trademarks “POST” and “ePOST” to be sufficiently visually and aurally different to rule out a likelihood of confusion.                                                                                                                         


                                         EU trademark No. 5850193            German trademark No. 30012966                                                                                                

                                                (word/device mark)                                   (word mark)





                                                                  EU trademark application No. 008897829

                                                                                    (word mark)


During a period of worldwide financial instability German SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), the so-called Mittelstand, are leading the way in Europe’s largest economy and are the answer to financial recovery and prosperity.

Source: Shutterstock

On 18 January 2018, the General Court of the European Union (GC) upheld the decision of the Board of Appeal in the case T-804/16. LG´s application for the EU word mark “Dual Edge” was found to lack distinctive character and was therefore refused to be registered by the EUIPO.

Samsung Galaxy S8, Source: Pixabay