State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

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Interbrand, started in 1974 with its approximately 40 offices in 27 countries, is one of the biggest and oldest brand consultancy companies around the world. Every year, Interbrand conducts and publishes various studies relating to brands, their value and the impact on companies and consumers. Interbrand’s 15th annual Best Global Brands Report was released on 9 October 2014. Age of You In addition to identifying the top 100 most valuable brands, this year’s Best Global Brands report also examines three pivotal ages in brand history that have reshaped business for the better: the Age of Identity, the Age of Value, and the Age of Experience. Interbrand contends that a new, emerging era is upon the global business world: the Age of You. Analysis
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has given a preliminary ruling on questions relating to three-dimensional trademarks forwarded to it by the Dutch courts (Judgment dates 18 September 2014; C205/13). Background of the Case and Subject Matter
The German Federal Supreme Court decided that only Langenscheidt is allowed to use the color yellow for language training products in Germany (Judgment dated 18 September 2014; I ZR 228/12). Background of the Case and Subject Matter The German publisher Langenscheidt has been selling dictionaries since 1956 and other language learning products since 1986. All the products are designed in yellow color with a blue “L” on the books (see left below). Langenscheidt also uses the color yellow extensively when advertising its product.
LibrariesThe Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that European libraries may digitize books and make them available at electronic reading points without first coming to an agreement with the holder of the Copyrights (C‑117/13 dated 11 September 2014). Background of the Case and Subject Matter
The Higher Regional Court Celle, Germany, decided that it is misleading to add six stars next to the door of a luxus hotel (13 U 76/14 dated 15 July 2014). Background of the Case and Subject Matter A hotel owner added six (6) stars next to the entrance of his luxury hotel without having an evaluation by an external official hotel evaluator. Therefore, a competitor filed a law suit because, this advertisement is misleading. But, the hotel owner is of the opinion that his advertisement is not misleading because in fact his hotel is very luxurious. Six StarsDecision
Oktoberfest               The traditional Oktoberfest will take place from the 20 September to 5 October 2014 in Munich, Germany. During this time, more than 6.7 million liters of beer are sold more than 6 million visitors are expected. But, the Oktoberfest is also a showcase for patented technology. History of the Oktoberfest

Ritter SportThe Higher Regional Court of Munich decided that the German consumer group “Stiftung Warentest” is not allowed to claim that the chocolate producer “Ritter Sport” is using synthetical flavor for his “Whole Hazelnut Chocolate” instead of the stated natural vanilla flavor.

Background of the Caseand Subject Matter

EU FlaggeAs and from 1 October 2014, the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) will begin examining the classification of international registrations designated in the European Union (EU), for vague terms. This change brings OHIM's practice into line with that of EU national and regional IP offices, as previously outlined in the Common Communication on the implementation of IP Translator (Case C-307/10). For more information follow the link:
The European Commission published its Annual Report 2013 on EU customs enforcement of intellectual property rights on 31 July 2014. The annual report contains statistical information about detentions made under customs procedure at the EU external borders.   Counterfeiting1   The report this year shows that counterfeit goods are a danger to different markets and emphasizes the role of customs authorities in stopping such products from illegally entering the EU. Customs authorities at EU borders detained nearly 36 million goods suspected of infringement with an estimated value of more than 760 million euros. Clothing (12%) and medicines (10%) are among the top categories of goods detained (see below).
On 7 August 2014 the Regional Court of Munich (I) decided that REAL is not allowed to use symbols that look similar to the club logo of the German Football Association (Case No: 11 HKO O 10510/14). Introduction During the course of a legal dispute, it sometimes becomes necessary for a party to seek a temporary remedy in the form of an injunction. Interim injunctions are a separate, very quick court action prior to in parallel to a main court proceeding. They can be essential in circumstances where a party wishes to preserve the status quo until the dispute has been fully and finally resolved. Background of the Case and Subject Matter