State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

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A trademark is a sign protected by law, serving to distinguish goods and services of one enterprise from those of another. Besides it implies the following functions of: -  origin -  communication -  guarantee There are different types of trademarks: -  Expressions, letters or numbers  (wordmark), -  A picture or logo (figurative mark), as well as the combination of words and pictures (word-design mark); -  A color or a combination of colors (color mark); -  Three-dimensional shapes (3-D-mark), -  Radio-jingles or a combination of a melody (sound mark); -  Slogans and even gestures (move mark)