State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

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There has been another round in the legal arena for Rubik´s cube, and this one might be a sign of a shift of powers. So far, all EUIPO´s and EGC´s decision were in favor of protecting the cube, but after the Advocate General´s unfavorable opinion towards this practice, it seems plausible that the European Court of Justice might agree with him.

Background of the case

The two Merck pharmaceutical magnates have shared one name for decades. However, their coexistence has become anything but peaceful, with mutual lawsuits filed all over Europe, and not without good reason. The namesakes managed to confuse everyone, including Facebook, and it is safe to say it is time for a new solution of their problem. Even the European Court of Justice (ECJ) got involved, as their case pointed a few questionable areas of the European Union Trademark Regulation.

Background of the case

Europe is definitely caught up in football fever. Not even the European General Court (EGC) was spared. Rendering their decision on the case Cule v Kule, they decided on the link between a football club and its fans, at least when it comes to proving genuine use of a trademark.

Background of the case

On the final morning of the ECTA Annual Meeting, the first four sessions were all about presenting different points of view on the same topic. One session was on Prior Rights Agreements, introducing the topic from an industry worker’s perspective and a practitioner’s. The parallel session was on Copyrights. The first speaker was Dr. Florian Drücke from German Federation of the Music Industry. He started by admitting that the industry reacted very late to the emerge of the Internet. They did not take it seriously until early 2000, but, after realizing it is a tool that is here to stay, expressly started finding ways to protect copyright online. Their current goal is the development of a sustainable digital market and establishing better offer of legally downloadable goods. However, battling pirate content is proving to be very hard.

The day started with welcome speeches given by ECTA’s President, Mr. Mueller, Dubrovnik’s Deputy Mayor Mr. Raguž, Mrs. Kauterovac, Director General of Croatian IPO and the organizing Committee, led by Mr. Vukmir.

As mentioned in the previous post, LexDellmeier is attending the ECTA Annual Meeting. ECTA, short for European Communities Trademark Association is an association promoting the knowledge and professionalism of members and owners alike in the fields of trade marks, designs, copyrights and other Intellectual Property rights, within the European Union. Among many other activities, they organize the Annual Meeting, this time taking place in the beautiful Dubrovnik, a historic gem in the south of the Croatian coast. We have prepared a short overview of each day of the Meeting.


Although the INTA Annual Meeting has just finished, European IP professionals have another opportunity to meet, mingle and discuss the latest novelties in the field of IP. European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA) is organizing their annual meeting from 22 June to 25 June, 2016. The venue is the historic town of Dubrovnik, Croatia. With its colorful naval and merchant past, the organizers considered it to be symbolic to what is currently happening with the new trademark protection system, and named this year´s conference “Rogue Waves and Crosswinds: Trade Marks in Motion”. Although the program predicts a plethora of topics, they will all be emphasizing the new EU Legislative Package Trademark Reform. Although you will get a daily summary of the event, this is a short introduction to the planned discussions, workshops and events.

The recent case the General Court of the European Union (the EGC) had to resolve was a great example of the correlation of conceptual similarity and public confusion. What conceptual similarity entails and how (not) to defend it, this case presents a systematic lesson for everyone.




Background of the case


Welcome to! Step one, choose a preferred language for a more personalized experience. That is, unless you are looking for the Terms of Service (ToS). Although being one of the most important elements of this messenger service, they are provided in English only. The Berlin Court on 8 April 2016 rendered the ToS invalid, requesting WhatsApp to adjust to their German-speaking users.


Background of the case


Each year, top intellectual property professionals gather from all around the world to attend an yearly event organized by the International Trademark Association (INTA). This year, the 138th INTA Annual Meeting was held in Orlando, Florida, from 21 May to 25 May 2016. It was a proud moment for INTA, as the number of registrants surpassed the 10 000 milestone, making this the largest meeting in INTA´s history. Of course, LexDellmeier IP Law Firm attended the conference and continues to support INTA´s efforts by serving as a committee member on the Public Media Relations Committee. The Committee´s aim is to educate persons who do not deal with intellectual property on a daily basis.