State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

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                                                                                      1. National Trademark Filings in Germany  The German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO) in its Annual Report published the recent filing numbers of national trademarks applied for in Germany. Here is an overview of the number of trademark applications filed in 2007 - 2010: - 2010: 69,072 - 2009: 69,069 - 2008: 73,903 - 2007: 76,165 2. Top Trademark Filers
On 16 November 2011 LexDellmeier held a one-day seminar on the topic how the strategic creation, maintenance and defense of IP-rights can positively influence the company value. The first part of the seminar featuring as speakers Alexandra Dellmeier-Beschorner and Barbara Niemann Fadani of LexDellmeier dealt with the creation of strong IP-rights and global application and registration strategies as well as the new, mainly internet-based infringement problems (e.g. adwords, wild cards etc.)  and the  latest German and European case law in this regard.
LexDellmeier bietet Unternehmern und Unternehmen die Gelegenheit bei diesem Seminar tiefere Einsicht zu gewinnen, wie eine gekonnte Strategie bei der Schaffung, der Eintragung und dem Schutz von IP-Rechten den Unternehmenswert steigern kann. Weitere Informationen und das genaue Programm können Sie dem zum Download bereitgestellten Flyer entnehmen. Download Seminarflyer (pdf) Download Anmeldeformular (pdf)
Yves Saint Laurent may still sell his red-soled shoes.

As we had reported before on LexDellmeier’s „Not just another IP-Blog“, the famous luxury shoe brand Christian Louboutin had sued the just as famous luxury fashion brand Yves Saint Laurent for damages because of an infringement of Christian Louboutin’s trademark right of the Red Sole. With a preliminary injunction they wanted to stop Yves Saint Laurent from selling the shoes that featured a red sole.

Besides the traditional fields of trademarks, designs, copyrights, the attorneys at LexDellmeier also advise on media & web issues relating to intellectual property. Due to the expertise in the fields of IP, internet, media & web, LexDellmeier's founder, Alexandra Dellmeier-Beschorner, has just recently been appointed as an Expert in Group III of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The EESC was created in 1957 and serves as an advisory and consultative board for the European Commission and the European Parliament. On 19 July 2011 the EESC's first meeting with respect to "The open internet and net neutrality in Europe" together with representatives from the European Commission and Parliament took place in Brussels. 1. What is net neutrality?
is a line in the lyrics of a Jennifer Lopez song. The song somehow flopped, but the shoes  are a legend and commonly recognized by their famous red soles. And because of those shoes the eyes of fashionistas and lawyers are fixed on a law suit that was filed by Christian Louboutin against Yves Saint Laurent  before a Federal Court in Manhattan just recently. Subject matter is of course the famous red sole that Louboutin has registered as a trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office. He also has pending applications in the European Union - among others as referred to a so-called "position mark". Louboutin is suing Yves Saint Laurent now because in the latest collection the red soled shoes (the “Palais Pump“ and the „Palais Slingback“) were featured. Louboutin considers this an infringement of his trademark(s).
LexDellmeier is thrilled and proud to announce that our firm is the winner of the Finance Monthly Law Award 2011 in the category "Trade Marks Law Firm of the Year in Germany". Just a couple of days ago we were informed by Finance Monthly, a leading magazine for chief executive officers, chief financial officers, corporate tax directors, investment professionals, lawyers, professional advisors, government organisations and academics.
For the first time a German court had to decide on the question if the use of the Facebook “Like” button on an internet sales page complied with the rules against unfair competition, if the button was placed without indicating that data of logged-in Facebook users would be transmitted to Facebook. The decision by the Regional Court of Berlin dated 14 March 2011 meanwhile published in German is of great interest with respect to the question of infringement of (German) unfair competition laws.
For decades  Germans have been watching "Tatort" (in English "Crime Scene") on Sunday evenings. It is a famous crime series in which each episode shows a different crime movie of about 90 minutes. „Tatort“ is created by several different directors, and every one of them has created his own detective with his own personal work and lifestyle in one of Germany’s cities (similar to the much younger US series "CSI").  The „Tatort“ series has brought forward the talent of many directors and the G erman audience loved the various detectives and with which the different actors were associated with. Fact is, that  „Tatort“ has entertained many generations in Germany - watching detectives appearing, aging and retiring with the years.