State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

  Weiterlesen über WEBINAR - Intellectual Property (IP) Software and IP Management

As announced, LexDellmeier IP Law Firm has On Wednesday, 27 May 2020, LexDellmeier held it two webinars no. 3 and 4 "Trademark Law Basics" (in German: Markenrecht 1 x 1).  We are delighted to have had 90 participants attend the webinars. Below you will find the agenda of the webinar(s) as well as the presentations (PPTs in German and English) to download as well as a link to the webinar (in German only) which was recorded and released on YouTube on 26 May 2020.


Am 29. April 2020 hat die Kanzlei LexDellmeier ihr Webinar 2 zu den beiden Themenkomplexen:

1. Änderungen des deutschen Markengesetzes zum 1. Mai 2020 gemäß dem Markenmodernisierungsgesetz (MaMoG) und

2. Update BREXIT (Stand: 29. April 2020) - welche Änderungen ergeben sich für (EU-)Marken- und Designinhaber zum 1. Januar 2021

Hier können Sie sich die Folien runterladen

Dear Participants of the LexDellmeier Webinar Series 2020! Here you can find all the relevant information regarding "Communication Medium & Data Protection".

Liebe Teilnehmer der LexDellmeier Webinar Reihe 2020! Hier finden Sie alle Informationen rund um Medium und Datenschutz.


Need to get your head off Corona? Need a time-out from working on files, writing letters or answering emails? Get it where you do not expect it!


Turbulent times require innovative ideas and solutions. The difficult situation surrounding the Corona crisis is forcing countless companies to send their employees to their home office. We believe it is important to see this as an opportunity to use the time wisely and use some of the time for further education and training in the field of intellectual property (IP) rights. The 10 webinars spread over the year 2020 are partly aimed at beginners and partly at advanced learners and are held in German or English. All dates and registration options are listed below.

Turbulente Zeiten erfordern besondere Maßnahmen. Die schwierige Situation rund um die Corona-Krise zwingt unzählige Unternehmen dazu, ihre Mitarbeiter ins Homeoffice zu schicken. Darüber hinaus stagniert in vielen Firmen die Auftragslage. Wir denken, es ist wichtig, die Zeit sinnvoll zu nutzen, die sonst im hektischen Alltag häufig zu kurz kommen. Besonders am Herzen liegt uns hier Fortbildung, Weiterbildung und Schulung im Bereich der gewerblichen Schutzrechte (= Intellectual Property – oder kurz „IP“). Die 10 verschiedenen Webinare über das Jahr 2020 verteilt richten sich teils an Anfänger, teils an Fortgeschrittene und finden auf Deutsch oder Englisch statt. Alle Termine und Anmeldemöglichkeiten sind unten aufgelistet.

Corona. Not just a beer, a cigar or a white halo during a solar eclipse, but also one of a group of viruses that infect humans and can be responsible for serious respiratory diseases. Corona viruses are not new which makes it unbelievable, how fast the latest mutation has become a threat to our economy on a global basis. But any crisis should not just be seen as an obstacle, but also as a chance to review, think, improve, find solutions and move forward.

IMPORTANT FOREWORD (Date 10 March 2020): In view of the ongoing Corona/Covid-19-crisis: Our thoughts and best wishes are with all persons, institutions etc. (incl. doctors/medical staff, persons infected incl. family, fiends & colleagues as well and individuals and companies) who are encountering health issues, anxieties and economical losses due Corona/Covid-19. Please all stay safe and we call for support and solidarity in an unconventional manner between all parties (e.g. individuals, business partners, institutions, governments etc.) involved during these uncertain times.

Blog-entry and Update LexDellmeier:

In view of the crisis and technological innovations at LexDellmeier we wanted to update you. We have expanded our availibitly to an online booking tool (available 24/7) to be found on its website in 

World Intellectual Property Day and 50th anniversary of the WIPO Convention on 26 April 2020

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrates World Intellectual Property Day (World IP Day) every April 26 with the aim to “learn about the role that Intellectual Property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity”. This year 2020, the WIPO Convention turns 50 on the same day. Two reasons for celebrating and for dedicating this day a very important topic: “Innovate for a Green Future”.