Brand Octopuses
February 13, 2015
13. Februar 2015 - 7:00
The world is filled with milion of brands but, behind most of them are only a few big cooperations. These companies control the gobal consumers markets for food, beverages, cleaning preperations, personal care products, cosmetics and cigarettes. They control the production of industrial sugar, fat and other ingredients which are essential for all other favourite cosumegoods.
The German Newpaper „Die Zeit“ illustrated the big brands on sale and their revenues in Germany.
Nestle S.A.: The largest food manufacture in the world is also the biggest Swiss company based in Vevey and Cham. Through many acquisitions Nestlé received more than 8.000 brands (the most important ones you can see on the picture below). Their products cover a number of different markets, including coffee, bottled water, milkshakes and other beverages, breakfast cereals, infant foods, performance and healthcare nutrition, seasonings, soups and sauces, frozen and refrigerated foods, and pet food. Their rvenue in 2013 was approx 104.414 billion US Dollars.
Procter & Gamble: Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) is an American multinational consumer goods company headquartered in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. Its products include pet foods, cleaning agents and personal care products. In August 2014, P&G announced it was streamlining the company, dropping around 100 brands and concentrating on the remaining 80 brands, which are producing 95 percent of the company's profits. Their revenue in 2013 was approx 84.17 billion US Dollars.
Unilever: Unilever is an Anglo–Dutch multinational consumer goods company co-headquartered in Rotterdam (Netherlands) and London (Great Britain). Its products include food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Their revenue in 2013 was approx 55.795 billion US Dollars.
To find all Brand Octopuses please follow the link: http://images.zeit.de/wissen/2013-05/s39-infografik-marken.pdf
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