Industry-Level Analysis Report
May 16, 2014
16. Mai 2014 - 18:06
The Industry-Level Analysis Report of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) was presented by the European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy in September 2013. The study shows how the intellectual property intensive industry influences the European economy.
The Intellectual Property Intensive Industry
Intellectual property (IP) intensive industries are defined as those having an above-average use of intellectual property rights per employee. The study also distinguishes between the different sectors of intellectual property rights. Patent, trademark and design‑intensive industries are dominated by manufacturing activities like manufacture of power driven and hand tools, leasing of intellectual property, pharmaceutical and chemical products. The copyright industry completely belongs to the service sector and is especially strong publishing books and newspapers.
The Influence of Intellectual Property Intensive Industry to the GDP
The influence of the IP intensive industry to the European economy is determined by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The GDP is the total value of goods and services produced in a specified territory during a certain period of time. The European GDP is around € 12.3 trillion. According to the study, nearly 40% of the GDP and therefore of the European economic activity depends on the intellectual property industry (see below).
Manpower in the Intellectual Property Intensive Industry
The IP intensive industry also creates many jobs. Taking indirect jobs into account, during 2008 - 2010, 35% of the workplaces in Europe derive from industries with a high usage of in IP. 26% of the jobs in Europe depend directly on the IP industry. The manpower breakdown within the different sectors of IP rights is as follows: 20,8 % in the trademark, 12,2 % in the design, 10,3% in the patent, 3,2 % in the copyright and 0,2% in the GI intensive industry.In addition, the IP industry creates a lot of well paid jobs. In general, the salaries in these industries are on average approx. 40 % higher than in other industries.
Influence of Intellectual Property Intensive Industry to Export and Import
Also, the role of the IP intensive industry in external trade is extremely important. In volume terms, about 88% of EU imports and 90% of EU exports are accounted by IPR-intensive industries.
To see the whole study please see the following link from which the above charts have been extracted:

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