INTA/DPMA mini-seminar held for TMAs in Munich, Germany on 28 January 2016
February 02, 2016
2. Februar 2016 - 14:41
The TMA Committee has kicked-off the year 2016 with a fantastic event. On Thursday, 28 January 2016, a mini-seminar was organized by the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) in Munich, Germany. The seminar was specially developed for Trademark Administrators (TMAs) and Paralegals in Germany.
The four-hour event with the title “Make Yourselves Invaluable to Your Firm and Company”, with over 90 attendees was, thanks to the organizing committee, speakers and sponsors, an overwhelming success.
The topics included:
- Promoting INTA and the work of the German TMA Committee;
- An update from the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA);
- The role and challenges of a paralegal working outside your country at another office and how to use this to enhance your career;
- The challenges and views on running a trademark portfolio in-house;
- What you need to know about preliminary injunction proceedings (PI´s) in trademark cases in Germany.
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