World IP Day 2015 – Get up, stand up. For music.

Every April 26 - the day on which the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Convention came into force in 1970 - the WIPO celebrates the World Intellectual Property Day to promote discussions about the importance and role of intellectual property. The WIPO’s member states designated this day with the aim of increasing the general understanding of intellectual property, including trademarks, designs, patents, utility models etc. Each year, a special topic and focus is picked. The 2015 World IP Day Theme This year’s World Intellectual Property Day 2015 focuses on the theme: “Get up, stand up. For music.”  The music industry gives work to thousands of creative people like singers, songwriters, musicians and publishers. The technologies through which we access music has changed dramatically in the last years. Downloading or streaming is getting more and more important, but, these new techniques are often abused by people who do not want to pay for the music they are listening to. Therefore, the protection of IP Rights in the music business is as important as never before. Events on the World IP Day 2015 Accordingly, a lot of events for interested people are planned all over the world. In Germany, for example, the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (GPTO) is giving a 3-hour workshop to small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups on the most important aspects of the protection of intellectual property in companies on 20 April 2015, in Berlin. And, in Munich, the GPTO is giving a free introductory workshop to small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups at the Munich Chamber of Commerce on the most important aspects of the protection of intellectual property in companies on 5 May 2015. Click here to find out what events are planned in your country on World IP Day. Link: To get more information click here: