

Are you the owner of a registered design in the European Union and have your design protected products been copied by way of 3D printing with you not being able to proceed against the person selling the 3D printing software? Or have your design protected goods been shown in the metaverse with you not being able to take action against such use for lack of “physical embodiment”? Then we have good news for you. A new EU-Design Directive as well as a new EU-Design Regulation will soon come into force and will extend design protection beyond physical objects. For more information, you are welcome to attend our webinar on 9 October 2024 at 4.00 pm (CEST). Get an overview of the webinar’s agenda by reading our newest blog article.


  1. Background

Design law in the European Union had not been updated for over 20 years. For about the last 10 years, reviews and consultations had been conducted between the different stakeholders to determine and discuss the necessity and extent of changes to the EU design law system. In March 2024, the EU parliament finally adopted a new Design Regulation and Directive to be published in the Official Journal shortly. The Regulation will come into effect 4 months after publication and regarding the Directive, the EU member states will have 3 years (36 months) to implement it into national law.

  1. Agenda of LexDellmeier Webinar

LexDellmeier IP Law Firm will hold a one-hour webinar on

9 October 2024 at 5.00 pm (CEST)

to present and discuss the new amendments in detail. We will discuss

  • The broadening of the scope of design protection by new definitions of the terms “design” and “product”;
  • The addition of new acts of infringement to give design owners better coverage in proceeding against infringements;
  • The new repair clause which is particularly intended to increase competition in the spare parts market;
  • Changes in general terminology which align EU design law with EU trademark law;
  • The waiver of the "one (Locarno) class" requirement;
  • The adoption of a new design protection symbol consisting of a D in a circle like the C for copyrights and the R for registered trademarks; and finally
  • Changes in the official fees that the new Regulation will implement and how it can influence your application strategy.


Come and join us at our Zoom webinar on 9 October 2024 at 4.00 pm (CEST). The webinar is free of charge and you can easily register via Eventbrite or send an email to us at:

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!

Should you not be able to attend the webinar, you are welcome to contact us at any time for further information on the new EU design law, either by email to info@lexdellmeier.com or by phone at +49 89 55 879 870.