State-of-the-art IP management in the year 2024 requires in-depth expertise and an outstanding cloud- and AI-based software. As an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and patent attorneys as well as computer scientists, engineers and physicists, the IP firm LexDellmeier - - and the  German-based software company IP Servant GmbH - - helps your IP department in the company or your IP law firm with the strategic planning and implementation with respect to the digitalization of your files, the introduction or improvement of processes & workflows the implementation of the cloud- and AI-based IP software “IP Servant”.

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UNDOC_Counterfeit_Intro_Pic_grey A global campaign by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was launched on 14 January 2014 in order to raise awareness among consumers of the $250 billion a year illicit trafficking of counterfeit goods. The


On 16 January 2014 the European General Court (EGC) decided that a button in the middle of the ear of a toy teddy bear (a so-called “position mark”) cannot be registered as a Community Trademark as it lacks distinctiveness (Decision T‑434/12 of 16.01.14). Introduction In order to assess  whether a mark possesses the necessary  distinctiveness or not, various factors need to be taken into account. On the one hand side, the court has to review the specific goods and services of the applied for trademark,  and, on the other hand, it has to determine if intended brand is capable to enable the average consumer to recognize the source of origin.
INTA in cooperation with the Munich Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer München) will hold Munich’s 2nd Roundtable designed specifically for Paralegals and Trademark Administrators under the title: RAK_Muenchen_logo_blogINTA_Logo


DATE: Thursday, March 13, 2014

TIME: 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Today, on 17 October 2013, the 40th anniversary of the signature of the European Patent Convention (EPC) in Munich, Germany, is being celebrated. The festivities are taking place at the Headquarters of the European Patent Office (EPO), the German Technological Museum ("Deutsches Museum") and the Munich Residenz, where the celebration ends after a concert given by the Patent Orchestra Munich. Please find the full program of the 40th anniversary, including the winners of the EPO Innovation Contest here:
ICANN will launch more than 1,000 new Top Level Domains (TLDs). Starting in early 2014, new TLDs like .shop, .web or .hotel will have a huge impact on how we find and distribute information online. From a trademark perspective the question is: How can I protect my brand? What do I need to know before the launch of the new TLDs? What can I do? What mechanisms exist? All these legal, technical and strategic questions will be discussed in-depth at the upcoming Munich Conference on new TLDs from 26 - 28 October 2013.  
Did you know that every minute 219 counterfeit goods are detained in the EU? Fact is that the value of intercepted goods in 2012 was still extremely high, at nearly €1 billion. The EU Counterfeiting Report 2012 in detail gives statistics on the type, provenance and transport method of counterfeit products detained at the EU's external borders. According to the report, cigarettes accounted for a large number of interceptions (31%), miscellaneous goods (e.g. bottles, lamps, glue, batteries, washing powder) were the next largest category (12%), followed by packaging materials (10%). Postal and courier packages accounted for around 70% of customs interventions in 2012, with 23% of the detentions in postal traffic concerning medicines.  
For the 17th time the German Innovation Prize (in German: "Deutscher Zukunftspreis - Preis des Bundespräsidenten für Technik und Innovation") has been launched. The winners of this renown prize will be handed over by the German Federal President and will receive 250.000 EUR.


The world's fifth largest national patent and trade mark office (GPTO / DPMA) has now published its annual report 2012 English, which includes information and statistics all around patents, trademarks, utility models, designs etc. GPTO_Annual_Report_2012_Front_Page_Seite_1                    GPTO_Annual_Report_2012_Chart_Overview_Seite_2
Being active as IP attorneys and dealing with various large and small companies and helping them protect their intellectual property, we often see the internal struggles. The following cartoon by Tom Fishburne pinpoints and clearly visualizes the problems on how and why innovative ideas are abandoned.   110124_voodoo-400x293   We thank Tom Fishburne and his "marketoonists" for allowing the use on this blog.